Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Wrapped in cloud

She is wrapped in cloud.

Her eyes dark,
she cannot see the sun,
can't see her way out of the canyon.

A pebble on the path may as well be a mountain,
she can't find her way round it.

She is wrapped in cloud.


  1. 'she is wrapped in cloud' ....such a lovely vision!

    i enjoyed your poem and am happy to find your blog!!

    stacy lynn mar

  2. Sometimes in life too our vision is clouded

  3. I think being wrapped in cloud can be too dark for me.. But I guess when reaching for the sky the clouds migh be there.

  4. i wouldn't want to be in that space for sure but the images are strikingly beautiful..

  5. I like how we can also read your poem metaphorically.

  6. i think i have known her...
    tough times when even the pebbles seem as mountains
    and our vision is so obscured....

  7. I love your beginning and ending with "she is wrapped in cloud" - and the pebble which blocks her path.

  8. with one line you describe a state of mind perfectly.

  9. What a wonderful image--lovely, lovely write!

  10. Great imagery. It really does affect us that way.

  11. Great repetition....and the idea of being unable to find her way around a pebble on a path (for it may as well be a mountain) reminds me so much of some of the thoughts in Robert Pirsig's book, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." It is one of my favorites and so I am grateful for the reminder. Thanks :-)

  12. Multiple layers of meaning contained within such simple and beautiful lines. The repetition of the line - "she is wrapped in could" - adds a great effect to the entire poem.

  13. I think many of us would have thought of a person we knew like this.
