Sunday, 9 February 2014

The lover and the loved

She is loved.

From the curl of her hair,
to the sparkle in her eyes,
to her aching, tired feet,
she is loved.

For the wisdom in her words,
for the kindness in her heart,
for the facets of her soul, which shine like diamonds,
she is loved.

I worship her with words,
I hold her in my heart,
She is the keeper of my soul,
I love.

I love.


  1. written for

  2. Beautiful -- I would say this is deep, deep love!

  3. Really like your chorus effect, the whole joyous movement of this piece, and the neat way you got your 14 lines!

  4. And she sounds so lovely. I especially like her tired feet, and that you noticed.

  5. A wonderful wonderful gift to her, to you, to all of us. Better than worship on this mortal coil is the love that shines through these words.
